Monday, December 19, 2011

At that time.

My heart is stirred.
At that time, I was a gentile.
At that time, I was without the Messiah.
At that time, I was excluded from the citizenship of Heaven.
At that time, I was a foreigner to the promise,
At that time, I was without hope and without God in this world.

But now, I have been brought near by the blood of the Messiah.

When Christ came, he proclaimed the good news of peace to you who were far away and peace to you who were near.
For through Him, we both have access by One Spirit to the Father.

Too often I forget what He did and who I was. But now, I have peace and hope and God in this world. He is too good.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

the story.

This song speaks so much truth. the story of Jesus.

Rise up all you orphans, You got a brand new family

Rise up all you debtors, Its the year of jubilee

Rise up all you sinners, He's gonna chase your guilt away

I love this, not only is the Cross redemption, a baby entered this world and redeemed you and me.

He gives us a new family. He chases all the guilt in our lives away-woohoo-it's gone!! He ends our brokenness.

To the brokenness, to the loss, to the sadness, and hardships in our lives: Jesus came to redeem. He brought peace then, and living among us today, He still brings peace. WHOOP!

A baby saved the day.

Friday, December 9, 2011


i love this reminder.

Worship is the highest form of warfare. It takes the focus off of self. It takes the focus off your enemy. And it allows you to magnify your understanding of just how WORTHY....AWESOME...and LOVING our GOD truly is. So.......the answer today and always will to WORSHIP.